Submission of articles

Law and Method uses the programme Editorial Manager to facilitate a smooth and clear editorial procedure of submission, review, approval and publication. When you seek to submit a manuscript, you are required to register on our system. Click on the link above to open the programme and choose ‘register now’ to complete the registration. On that page, you will also find the instructions for authors and reviewers. After completing the registration, you are asked to provide a summary (in English). Subsequently, you can upload your article manuscript in Word; the programme will generate a PDF version. Submitted articles must comply with the authors’ instructions. 

If you experience any problems, please send an email to


The author holds his or her copyright. When submitting a manuscript, the author is deemed to have accepted the terms set out in the ‘Consent to Publish’.

Authors' instruction

Submitted manuscripts must comply with the authors' instructions. The instructions are available for both English and Dutch language articles. You can access the instructions here.