Uitnodiging: LAW Platform LAUNCH
Datum: 6 juni 2024, 13:30-16:00 & borrel
Locatie: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Agora 1.
De workshop is in luistertaal
Beste collega’s,
Op 6 juni 2024 lanceren we het LAW Platform (op, een landelijk interactief platform voor docenten werkzaam in het universitair juridisch onderwijs. Het LAW Platform richt zich op het uitwisselen van kennis en ervaring over activerende werkvormen en beoogt docenten van rechtenfaculteiten op jaarlijkse basis samen te brengen om te spreken over onderwijsontwikkelingen en best practices.
De eerste workshop op 6 juni 2024 heeft als thema ChatGPT. De workshop is open voor alle geïnteresseerden van alle faculteiten in Nederland, voor zover er plaats is (met plaats voor vertegenwoordiging van alle faculteiten en in volgorde van inschrijving). In de bijlage zien jullie het programma.
Inschrijven kan via deze link:
We hopen jullie te zien op 6 juni.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Bart van Klink
Bald de Vries
Machteld Geuskens
Invitation: LAW Platform LAUNCH
Date: 6 June 2024, 13:30-16:00 & drinks
Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Agora 1.
Language: luistertaal
Dear colleague,
On 6 June 2024, we will launch the LAW Platform (on, a national interactive platform for lecturers working in university legal education. The LAW Platform focuses on the exchange of knowledge and experience on activating teaching methods and aims to bring together lecturers from law faculties on an annual basis to discuss educational developments and best practices.
The first workshop on June 6, 2024 will be themed around Generative AI. The workshop is open to all interested parties from all faculties in the Netherlands, as long as there is space (with room for representation of all faculties and in order of registration). See the attachment for the programme.
You can register via this link:
We hope to see you on June 6th.
Warm regards,
Bart van Klink
Bald de Vries
Machteld Geuskens
Past events
Vooraankondiging – Law & Method
Digitale studiemiddag
See for English
Toetsing en onlineonderwijs
Datum/dat: | 18 Februari 2022 |
Tijd/time: | 13.00-17.00 (met voldoende pauzes) |
Host: | Universiteit Utrecht/Vrije Universiteit, via ZOOM |
Taal: | Nederlands en Engels (al naar gelang de aanmeldingen) |
Registratie: | Bald de Vries – |
Klik hier voor het programma (PDF)
De insteek van de studiemiddag is om ervaringen uit te wisselen over de inhoud, inrichting en vormgeving van toetsing op basis van de lessen die we meenemen uit het Coronatijdperk. Een rondje langs de faculteiten laat min-of-meer eenzelfde beeld zien: veel toetsen vinden online en op afstand plaats, zonder proctoring (tenzij echt noodzakelijk) en maatregelen om fraude en samenwerking tegen te gaan bestaan uit het draaien aan verschillende knoppen, zoals tijd, variëren van vragen, plagiaatcontrole, etc. Tegelijk worden studenten vaker op een ander, hoger cognitief niveau getoetst, waarbij de focus meer op inzicht ligt dan op kennisreproductie. Ook zien we dat tentamens worden vervangen door alternatieve manieren van toetsen.
Wat betekenen deze ervaringen voor de toekomst van het toetsen binnen de rechtenopleidingen? Deze hoofdvraag staat centraal tijdens de studiemiddag. De middag start met een panelgesprek van onderwijskundigen over toetsing, waarom we toetsen en hoe we dit kunnen doen. Vervolgens gaan we in verschillende parallelsessies uiteen om van gedachte te wisselen en ervaringen te delen. De thema’s van deze sessies worden later bekend gemaakt, net als het volledig programma, op de website van Law & Method. De intentie is om deze en andere ervaringen die we uit het Coronatijdperk meenemen, bewerken tot artikelen voor een special issue van Law & Method.
Wij nodigen u van harte uit deel te nemen aan de studiemiddag. U kunt de datum in uw agenda reserveren en u alvast opgeven voor deelname door een mail te sturen naar Bald de Vries – Mocht u interesse hebben een van de parallelsessies te leiden op basis van een bepaald thema, dan kunt u dat ook aangeven.
Namens de redactie van Law & Method,
Bart van Klink, Sanne Taekema en Bald de Vries
Pre-announcement – Law & Method
Digital study afternoon
Assessment and online education
Date/Date: | February 18, 2022 |
Time/time: | 13.00-17.00 (with sufficient breaks) |
Host: | Utrecht University/Free University, via ZOOM |
Language: | Dutch and English (depending on the registrations) |
Registration: | Bald de Vries – |
The approach of the study afternoon is to exchange experiences about the content and design of assessment based on the lessons we take from the Corona era. A tour of the faculties shows the same picture: assessment took place (or is still taken place) online and remotely, without proctoring (unless necessary) and measures to combat fraud and collaboration consist of turning various knobs, such as time, varying questions, plagiarism control, etc. At the same time, students are more often assessed on a different, higher cognitive level, with the focus being more on insight than on knowledge reproduction. We also see that exams are being replaced by alternative methods of assessment.
What do these experiences mean for the future of assessment within law courses? This is the central question during the study afternoon.
Vooraankondiging – Law & Method
Digitale studiemiddag
Hybride onderwijs in de rechtenopleiding
Datum: | 29 januari 2021 |
Tijd: | 13.00-17.00 (met voldoende pauzes) |
Host: | Utrecht, via MS Teams |
Taal: | Nederlands en Engels (al naar gelang de aanmeldingen) |
Registratie: | Bald de Vries – |
Klik hier voor het programma (PDF)
De insteek van de studiemiddag is om ervaringen uit te wisselen over de inhoud, inrichting en vormgeving van het juridisch onderwijs in tijden van Corona en welke lessen we meenemen in het post-corona tijdperk. Deze lessen hebben betrekking op de didactiek en de inhoud van juridisch onderwijs.
De studiemiddag start met een interactieve keynote van Barend Last. Barend Last (1986) werkt als onderwijskundig specialist bij de Universiteit van Maastricht, waar hij zich vooral bezighoudt met onderwijsinnovatie en docentondersteuning. In deze interactieve plenaire sessie behandelt Barend een aantal aspecten, zoals de functie van onderwijs volgens Gert Biesta, de lessen die we geleerd hebben tijdens het “lockdown onderwijs” en de vertrekpunten voor een goed onderwijsontwerp. Na de keynote zijn er twee rondes van twee parallelle workshopsessies. Onderwerpen die aanbod komen zijn onder meer nieuwe onderwijs- en toetsvormen, het idee van een studiecontinuüm, onderwijs en onzekerheid, en vaardigheden. Een volledig programma wordt snel bekendgemaakt op de website van Law & Method.
Wij nodigen u van harte uit deel te nemen aan de studiemiddag. U kunt de datum in uw agenda reserveren of u alvast opgeven voor deelname door een mail te sturen naar Bald de Vries –
Namens de redactie van Law & Method,
Bart van Klink, Sanne Taekema en Bald de Vries
Save the Date – Law & Method
Digital study session
Hybrid teaching and learning in law programmes
Date: | 29 January 2021 |
Time: | 13.00-17.00 (with sufficient breaks) |
Host: | Utrecht, via MS Teams |
Language: | Dutch and English (depending on participants) |
Registration: | Bald de Vries – |
Click here for the programme (PDF)
See also the website of Law & Method.
The approach of the study session is to exchange experiences about the content, structure and design of legal education in the times of Corona and which lessons we take with us in the post-corona era. These lessons relate to the didactics of legal education and its and content.
The seminar starts with an interactive keynote by Barend Last. Barend Last (1986) works as an educational specialist at the University of Maastricht, where he mainly focuses on educational innovation and teacher support. In this interactive plenary session Barend discusses a number of aspects, such as the function of education according to Gert Biesta, the lessons we learned during the “lockdown education” and the starting points for a good educational design. After the keynote, there will be two rounds of two parallel workshop sessions, addressing aspects such as new teaching & learning activities, new means of assessment, the idea of a study continuum, uncertainty and education, and skills education. A full programme will be available shortly on the website of Law & Method.
We cordially invite you to partake in the study seminar. You can note the date in your calendar or already register by e-mailing Bald de Vries at
On behalf of de editorial team of Law & Method,
Bart van Klink, Sanne Taekema and Bald de Vries
The Future of Legal Education: A LERU Law Schools Pedagogical Workshop
Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden – 14 and 15 November 2018
The aim of the workshop is to gather teachers and researchers from LERU Law Schools (at different stages of their careers and from all fields of law) with a great interest in education and pedagogical development. The workshop will address many different aspects of legal education, teaching and pedagogical development, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
The workshop aims at an exchange of best practices, increased collaboration between the Law Schools and the promotion of innovative legal education of highest quality.
The workshop will be organized in different streams, and through an open call colleagues can submit interesting papers, projects, initiatives and ideas to be presented and discussed. Among the themes that might be discussed are the following:
- The implications for legal education of the digitalisation of law and/or legal practice, including legal tech labs;
- The role of E-learning;
- PhD-education;
- The integration of interdisciplinary perspectives into legal curricula;
- The inculcation in students of critical and reflective approaches to law;
- The placement of international/European/transnational perspectives in legal education;
- Clinical legal education and social engagement for students, including service learning and liaison with GOs;
- Skills-based education, including research, writing, advocacy (moot court), negotiation and mediation skills;
- Assessment methods, including formative and summative and the issue of feedback for students;
- Evaluation of teaching.
This list is illustrative only and is designed to provoke conversations rather than limit options.
Tentative outline of the programme:
14 November
13.00 - 13.30 | Registration and coffee | |
13.30 - 17.00 | Introduction, Parallel streams, Coffee, Parallel streams | |
18.30 | Dinner |
15 November
09.00 - 13.00 | Keynote speech by Professor Burkhard Schafer, Edinburgh Law School, on the tentative theme of ‘Can one be just without being human? A fictional dialogue with de Clapiers and de La Mettrie on the transformation of legal services through AI’ | |
Coffee, Parallel streams, Conclusion | ||
13.00 | Lunch |
(The Pedagogical Workshop is to be followed by a meeting with the LERU Law Thematic Group of Law Deans on 15 and 16 November (midday to midday). A special invitation will be sent out.)
The workshop is free of charge. Costs for travel and accommodation are covered by the participants and their host institutions.
Please note that there is no prescribed format for your presentation to the workshop. The organisers will allocate participants to panel sessions with an assigned moderator. The moderator will discuss the best format for the panel with the participants in advance.
Important dates:
30 September 2018, last day to submit an abstract for a paper/project/initiative/idea to present at the workshop.
Submit your abstract – including your name, title and affiliation; the title of your paper/project/initiative/idea; and a text of maximum 250 words outlining its theme and content as well as issues to discuss at the workshop – via e-mail to Mia Rönnmar (
24 October 2018, last day to register for the workshop, please use the following link:
If you have any questions at this stage, please feel free to contact Mia Rönnmar ( More practical information regarding, for example, hotels and travel to Lund, will follow in due course.
Utrecht University, School of Law – 15 March 2018
Prof. Ran Hirschl (Toronto/Göttingen/Max Planck Society)
Prof. Elaine Mak (Utrecht)
On Thursday 15 March, the Montaigne Centre at Utrecht University will host a workshop on comparative methods and research design in the field of comparative constitutional law. The key note speaker and main discussant will be Prof. Ran Hirschl, one of the main voices in current academic scholarship in law and political science and the author of inter alia Towards Juristocracy (Harvard University Press, 2004) and Comparative Matters (OUP, 2014).
Selected PhD candidates and post-docs from the UU and from Prof. Hirschl’s group will present their research and receive comments from Prof. Hirschl and from the other participants. Two slots are available for external speakers (see below, call for abstracts).
Confirmed speakers and topics are:
Leonie Huijbers (UU): Process-based fundamental rights review
Erin Jackson (UU): Trust-building between judges in Europe
dr. Erie Tanja (UU): Responsive forms of governance and the effects on the rule of law
Evan Rosevear (Toronto): Comparative social and economic rights jurisprudence
dr. Eugénie Mérieau (Göttingen): Constitutional law and politics in Southeast Asia (Thailand)
dr. Martijn van den Brink (Göttingen): Constitutional law and citizenship at the pan-European level
We invite junior and senior researchers with an interest in the methodology of comparative constitutional law research to participate in this workshop. If you wish to attend, please register with by 28 February 2018. As places for this event are limited, registrations will be handled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Date and time: 15 March 2018, 9.30-17.00, followed by drinks
Location: UU Law school building, Newtonlaan 201, room 4A.24-30
Programme (further details coming soon):
9.30-10.00 Welcome with coffee and tea
10.00-10.05 Opening by Prof. Elaine Mak
10.05-10.45 Introduction by Prof. Ran Hirschl and Q&A with the audience
10.45-11.45 Two PhD/post-doc presentations and discussion
11.45-12.00 Coffee and tea break
12.00-13.00 Two PhD/post-doc presentations and discussion
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Two PhD/post-doc presentations and discussion
15.00-16.00 Two PhD/post-doc presentations and discussion
16.00-16.15 Coffee and tea break
16.15-17.00 Final discussion and conclusions
17.00-18.00 Drinks
More information on Ran Hirschl is available here:
Call for abstracts for the two final slots in the workshop
Two slots in the workshop have been reserved for PhD candidates or post-docs from outside the Montaigne Centre and Prof. Hirschl’s group. Should you be interested in presenting your research in one of these slots, please contact Prof. Elaine Mak ( by 23 February 2018. In your e-mail, please include a short abstract of the research project which you’d like to present and indicate the methodological approach for this research (e.g. legal doctrinal analysis, use of methods from the social sciences, etc.). After the closing date, Prof. Hirschl and Prof. Mak will select two abstracts for the presentations.